Lauren Alexis Pritchard
sage ginger iced tea & the best way to decompress
Sage and ginger homemade iced tea
Sage & Ginger:
Boil 2 tbsp crushed sage, 3 quarter size peices of ginger, 1 tsp raw organic honey
pour over ice and squeeze in the juice of half a lime.
Sage is an anti-microbial and an anti-hidrotic. It can help stop heavy persperation.
Sage can help memory and cognitive recognition and good for all over well being and balance to reduce irritability.
to further reduce irritability and promote all over wellness, oxygenate your blood. to do this just take full breaths of fresh air for 15 minutes while doing light exercise to get the blood moving.
because our bodies don't automatically oxygenate to their full potential, this practice is good to do for yourself.